Top 5 Factors Influencing Your POS Fundraising Strategy in 2022
Our 2022 point of sale report showcases data on the economic impact on POS fundraising. Factors like the pandemic, consumer donation sentiment, and messaging/branding can be make or break for your fundraising success this year. The following key takeaways will help combat the obstacles 2022 could throw your way!
Brace for the economic effects on POS fundraising.
“86% of people expect inflation to change their shopping decisions.”
We’re all experiencing the effects of high inflation rates this year. 41% of consumers are less likely to donate if cost of goods increases, or if they do their dollar doesn’t stretch as far despite donating amounts they always have. Increased operating rates for nonprofits and companies add to this. Through our research, we have found a few ways to alleviate the economies effects on your POS fundraising strategy.
- Match donations – 4% of consumers would be more inclined to donate if the retailer matched the donation.
- Add value with bounce-backs – Offering a coupon bounce-back with POS donations is a great way to add more value to consumers donating experience and encourages them to return & donate again.
- Couple with employee donations – Employee engagement is another great way to balance the economic impacts on POS fundraising in 2022. Try pairing employee donations with you customer donations and company match.
Pandemic activity is starting to settle.
We found that the pandemic drove charitable giving at the register, showing a 10% increase in POS donations from 69.5% in 2018 to 80% in 2021, but now that activity is starting to settle. Our 2022 point of sale fundraising study revealed that only 61% of consumers donated at the register from May 2021 – April 2022. It’s important to find new ways to engage consumers and encourage donations despite this settling.
Consumer sentiment towards POS giving & retailers remains the same.
Here’s the good news: overall consumer sentiment towards POS fundraising remains positive. With this in mind, try to tailor your fundraising strategy to meet them where they are at.
- 49% of donors prefer to round up their bill to the nearest dollar
- 21% prefer to add a dollar increment to their bill
- 18% prefer donating directly after their purchase
- 13% have no preference
Our study shows that most consumers prefer to round up for their donations but offering a variety of donation options is the best approach if you are able.
Invest in marketing – Brand is #1!
“An organization’s brand is still the #1 diver for POS giving.”
Consumers are 43% more inclined to donate at POS if they know the organization BEFORE they reach the register. This means that your organization’s marketing and brand awareness strategy are crucial in increasing the conversion rate of your POS fundraising campaigns. Utilize a variety of marketing channels and content mediums to ensure that consumers know and recognize your brand instantly.
Adjust tactics, messaging, and comms dependent upon demographics.
Demographics such as age, ethnicity, and gender are incredibly important factors to consider when developing your marketing strategy and messaging. This will help consumers resonate more with your organization and you donation ask. Download our full report for an in-depth breakdown of consumer habits based on these demographics.
Although the current economic state is introducing an element of the unknown into the world of fundraising, we know that there is still opportunity out there! These key takeaways are a great place to start when it comes to adjusting your POS fundraising strategy for the year ahead. You’ve got this!
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