Corporate Prospecting Engine FAQs
Q: How do I access the Database?
A: You can access the database via the “Prospecting” tab of the platform or you can search directly from the search bar. You can search by company name, keyword, board member, CSR focus, etc. If you want to see further filters you can click the advanced filters button (of the button that looks like beams) next to the magnifying glass search icon. This will allow you to search directly by filters that you select. Once you have selected your filters scroll down and click “Search”.
Q: What if my search has no results?
A: If your search for a certain company name yields no result, let us know! Accelerist currently has 5000+ companies in our database, but we are constantly building and have access to company information for over 14 million companies with integration to zoominfo. We are able to build new profiles within 48 hours. If you want information on a company that is not available email your account manager or with the company name.
If your search with filters did not yield results please review what you have selected. See if there is a way to widen the search or make it less inclusive. If the search still looks off to you please reach out to
Q: What are they referring to in the Consumer Profile/ Affinities section? Where does this information come from?
A: We are referring to that company’s consumers and where they lean. You may see their nonprofit affinities; these are not to be confused with nonprofits that the company actually engages with. Although some may be featured, these affinities are organizations that their consumers are most interested in. We gather this information from by scouring social data and company keywords. This is a good place for you to see if you may have alignment with their consumers.
Q: What if the Consumer Profile/ Affinities section is not there?
A: Please let us know. We can refresh the profile for you to pull the most relevant and updated data for you.
Q: Where is the profile information coming from?
A: We source information from zoominfo along with other public APIs and Artificial Intelligent engines that scour social networks, public information, tax information and professional databases for real-time data. We also have humans that validate information and update the most relevant information based on what may be happening in the world – example: We updated profiles due to various COVID responses from companies.