According to the 2017 America’s Charity Checkout report, more than $441 million is being raised annually for causes at the point-of-sale. But that study only accounts for million-dollar+ programs. Looking at the bigger picture, in reality it is probably closer to a $500 million annual fundraising tactic.
With $500 million dollars up for grabs and the retail industry rapidly evolving to meet the digital demands of customers, creating updated strategy around impactful fundraising at the point-of-sale should not be built on past successes and old winning models. A failure to evolve thinking could be devastating for some POS partnerships. In short, the retail marketplace is changing, and with it the appetite for how and when consumers will engage.
The POS Giving: Progressing And Prospering study is both a look at the current 2018 customer affinities, and a multi-year look at the insights around customer point-of-sale preferences. Lessons learned from the 2018 study and the multi-year analysis should help retailers and causes refresh their programs for the next iteration of retail giving.

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